
about Masaharu Fukuyama

Do you know Masaharu Fukuyama? I guess that all of Japanese have heard his name once at least because he is very famous in Japan. But nowadays, he is also known over the sea, especially in Asia.

He is 42 years old (January. 10. 2012) and single. He is not only a singer-songwriter but also actor, photographer, guitarist and radio personality.

He was born as a second son in Nagasaki in Kyusyu in 1969. He graduated Nagasaki Prefectural Nagasaki Technical High School. After that he got job, but he did not give up his dream which is becoming a singer. Therefore he leaved his job, and came up to Tokyo when he was 18 years old.

He passed Amuse company's auditioned and was accepted for the show, taking her first steps as a actor. His first works was "Honno-5g" and he came to the front, but he disliked that.

In 1994, 『It's only love』 hit the number one spot on pop charts in Japan. And then he became known as a singer and songwriter. Few years later,2000, sales of 『Sakurazaka』 have increased constantly and has became the first million-seller of his. It arranged tie ups with Television program of TBS.

In 2007, He appeared 『Galileo』 is a Japanese television drama based on『 Detective Galileo a novel by the famous mystery writer Keigo Higashino. It narrates the events and cases encountered by Kaoru Utsumi, a rookie detective, and Manabu Yukawa, a university associate professor, while the two pair up to solve many mysterious cases. 

Next year, 『YougisyaXnokenshin』(Suspect X)  is a 2008 Japanese mystery-thriller film based on the novel of the same name, directed by Hiroshi Nishitani. The film was a continuation of the popular Japanese serial drama Galileo and included the same cast. It topped Japan's box office for four consecutive weeks and was the third-highest grossing Japanese movie in 2008. The soundtrack was released on October 1, 2008. He made songs and wrote poem for the drama and film, and he sang them with Kou Shabasaki. The name of them 『KOH+』. 

Fukuyama Masaharu played the main character, Sakamoto Ryoma in Ryoma-den. The drama was not normal, because it was Taiga-drama. 『Ryomaden is the 49th NHK Taiga drama. It was shown on NHK from January 3 to November 28, 2010 spanning 48 episodes. The story centers on the life of 19th century Japanese historical figures Iwasaki Yataro and Sakamoto Ryoma. It has been announced that the series will be aired in several other countries, for example Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand. 

Therefore he gain popularity with all of the world and all of generation. 

Manabu Yukawa, Galileo
Manabu Yukawa, Galileo
No Single Live in 2011
↓Masaharu Fukuyama's Official Web Site

↓Wikipedia about him


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